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Get your tracks split into stems


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Rating: N/A (0 reviews)

Date Added: February 7, 2023




AudioShake is an innovative AI-based solution that enables musicians, publishers, labels, and other audio professionals to explore new possibilities in audio recordings.

Key Features

  • AudioShake is an AI tool that isolates individual elements in audio tracks such as vocals, drums, guitar, bass, and other sounds for creative reuse.
  • It has versatile applications that enable the creation of instrumentals, remixes, mash-ups, re-mastering, and bleed removal.
  • AudioShake offers an API and Live service that allows integration into various audio services and solutions for labels and publishers.
  • Musicians and producers can use AudioShake to repurpose audio elements for new projects.
  • Labels and publishers can monetize and expand their audio catalog using AudioShake.
  • Audio service providers can integrate track separation capabilities into their offerings with AudioShake.
  • Overall, AudioShake is a best-in-class AI solution that unlocks new creative and commercial opportunities in audio recordings.

Use Cases

  • Musicians and producers can repurpose audio elements for new projects
  • Labels and publishers can monetize and expand their audio catalog
  • Audio service providers can integrate track separation capabilities into their offerings
  • AudioShake provides a best-in-class AI solution for unlocking new creative and commercial opportunities in audio recordings.
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