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FindWise is a free browser extension that streamlines information discovery by providing AI-generated answers based on the context of the current website.



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Date Added: September 18, 2023



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FindWise is a free browser extension that acts as a personal web assistant available for Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge, and Opera. It streamlines information discovery by providing AI-generated answers based on the context of the current website, eliminating the need for manual searching and guesswork. With a user-friendly and conversational interface, FindWise enhances the browsing experience, making it easier and more efficient to find the information you need.

Key Features

  • AI-generated answers: FindWise analyzes the content of the current page and provides contextually relevant information through AI-generated answers.
  • Efficient information discovery: FindWise streamlines the process of finding information, eliminating the need for manual searches and guesswork.
  • Contextual relevance: Questions are asked in the context of the current website, ensuring accurate and personalized responses.
  • Time and effort saving: FindWise's machine learning capabilities save users time and effort when seeking information.
  • User-friendly experience: Using FindWise is like having a conversation with a knowledgeable friend.
  • Personalized website search: Users can ask website-specific questions and receive tailored answers.
  • Free browser extension: FindWise is available as a free browser extension, with no need for credit card information.
  • Efficiency: FindWise simplifies information discovery, reducing the need for manual searches.
  • Accuracy: AI-generated answers are contextually relevant and tailored to the current website.
  • Time savings: Users save time and effort when seeking information online.
  • User-friendly: FindWise offers a seamless and conversational browsing experience.

Use Cases

  • Personal Use:
  • Finding answers to questions while browsing the internet without having to manually search for them.
  • Streamlining information discovery and saving time and effort.
  • Asking website-specific questions and receiving tailored answers.
  • Enhancing the browsing experience with a conversational interface.
  • Professional Use:
  • Researching information for work-related projects or tasks.
  • Streamlining information discovery and saving time and effort.
  • Asking website-specific questions and receiving tailored answers.
  • Enhancing the browsing experience with a conversational interface.
  • Educational Use:
  • Finding answers to questions while researching for school projects or assignments.
  • Streamlining information discovery and saving time and effort.
  • Asking website-specific questions and receiving tailored answers.
  • Enhancing the browsing experience with a conversational interface.
  • Accessibility Use:
  • Providing a more accessible way for individuals with disabilities to browse the internet and find information.
  • Streamlining information discovery and saving time and effort.
  • Asking website-specific questions and receiving tailored answers.
  • Enhancing the browsing experience with a conversational interface.
  • General Use:
  • Anyone who wants to simplify their browsing experience and find information more efficiently.
  • Streamlining information discovery and saving time and effort.
  • Asking website-specific questions and receiving tailored answers.
  • Enhancing the browsing experience with a conversational interface.
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