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Grafi.ai is an AI-powered content generation tool specifically designed for healthcare and medical writers.


FreemiumPaid plans start from $169/mo

Tool Info

Rating: N/A (0 reviews)

Date Added: July 17, 2023




Grafi.ai is a cutting-edge platform that utilizes AI technology to generate content specifically designed for healthcare and medical writers. Its primary objective is to streamline and accelerate the writing process, empowering writers to create top-notch, pertinent, and SEO-optimized content in a significantly shorter amount of time.

Key Features

  • Utilizes trusted healthcare databases and scientific journals as sources
  • Produces original, well-researched, and user-specific content within minutes
  • Generates content optimized for search engines to enhance online visibility
  • Guides writers through headline drafting, content import, outline organization, and editing/exporting
  • Provides AI-powered suggestions for content outlines based on the draft headline
  • Allows writers to train the AI/ML algorithm using their own body of research
  • Streamlines content creation by reducing the need for extensive research and fact-checking
  • Saves time and effort

Use Cases

  • Healthcare and medical writers can use Grafi.ai to expedite content creation
  • Freelancers can rely on Grafi.ai for well-researched healthcare content
  • In-house marketers can generate quality content for websites, blogs, and publications using Grafi.ai
  • Professionals in the healthcare industry can use Grafi.ai to create content for educational resources or patient engagement
  • Grafi.ai harnesses the power of AI to deliver accurate, well-researched, and user-specific content
  • Grafi.ai uses pre-vetted sources and AI/ML algorithm suggestions to improve content quality
  • Grafi.ai outputs SEO-friendly content
  • Grafi.ai adapts to users' expertise, making content creation more efficient.
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